Orbiter - 2023 - Hollow World [mini-review]

(37:56; Argonauta Records)

Finnish band Orbiter are out with the album "Hollow World", and this is a production that might also be of interest to fans of progressive rock and metal. The core foundation of the style explored on this album is doom metal though, and it is a slow, distorted and often fuzzed out variety of that style that comes with similarities in sound, approach and execution to the earlier albums by bands such as Electric Wizard. What makes this album interesting also from a progressive perspective is the regular inclusions of delicate psychedelic passages and acoustic or semi-acoustic folk music inspired interludes, with some of the songs revolving around an ebb and flow structure between these and the band's primary doom metal orientation, as well as a few instances of the band's gentler side being explored in more of a purebred manner. The sleepy, relaxed female lead vocals also adds an additional dimension to the proceedings here, providing a more ethereal presence in the more heavy set sound and style the band pursue. A production to seek out by those who believe the combination of heavy, fuzzed out doom metal and a more ethereal psychedelic presence sounds like a good idea.

Olav "Progmessor" Björnsen, September 2023



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