Quasarborn - 2023 - Novo Oruzje Protiv Bola

(39:38; Doc Gator Records)

Serbian band Quasarborn are out with the album "Novo Oruzje Protiv Bola", and this is a production that might also be of interest to fans of progressive metal. The foundation of this band is probably best described as thrash metal, as thrash metal oriented riff cascades is the common denominator throughout this album. But we also get a fair few instances of quirkier instrument movements, adding a slight touch of the impulses a band like Voivod have been known for to the landscapes explored, and we also get quite a few sections with a more gliding, flowing and elegant orientation applied to the arrangements. Further expanding the scope of this album are choppy start and stop like features more commonly found in alternative metal bands, and the clean and melodic part of the lead vocal spectrum used also come with sensibilities from this part of the metal universe. In sum this adds up to a thrash metal band that incorporate both alternative and progressive metal details into their specific form and delivery, and for those who find such a blend of elements to come across as generally interesting this is an album that should be quite the interesting one to become more familiar with.

Olav "Progmessor" Björnsen, September 2023



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