Sergey Kornilov & Misha Berkut - 2021 - Karzer [mini-review]

(64:41; Sergey Kornilov & Misha Berkut)

Russian artists Sergey Kornilov & Misha Berkut released the album "Karzer" back in 2021, and progressive rock is probably the best manner in which to describe the landscapes explored on this production. In essence one might say that the compositions at hand here mix and blend elements from five different types of music in different manners. Classical music and folk music are the dominating aspects here, with ambient music, rock music and electronic music as the additional providers of elements to a lesser or greater degree. The folk music aspects are primarily present by way of melodies and motifs, and explored in a classical music tradition, while the rock, ambient and electronic music elements more often than not will be additions to a classical music foundation. We do get creations that operate out from a rock music and electronic music foundation too however, with the classical music or folk music elements being the additions, and we also get songs that appear to have a rock music foundation that is performed by more distinct electronic instrumentation and mixed with a classical or folk music arrangement too. This is an amalgam of different musical elements explored with a progressive rock spirit and inside of a context that is closer aligned with the progressive rock tradition than any other established forms, and this should be an interesting and rewarding experience for those with an affection for a contemporary variety of a distinctly classical music inspired and oriented variety of progressive rock.

Olav "Progmessor" Björnsen, September 2023



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