Asceta - 2023 - Erebus. La Suite De Las Sombras [mini-review]

(50:03; Azafran Media)

Chilean band Asceta released the album "Erebus. La Suite De Las Sombras" back in the spring of 2023, and progressive rock is the style explored on this production. This all instrumental album is clearly written and performed by musicians with a knowledge and interest in classical symphonic music and chamber music, as this is material that easily could be performed by a classical symphonic orchestra or by a chamber quartet, depending on arrangement choices. They have expanded the compositions here though, with plain rock elements coming into play on some occasions, a more flowing jazz arrangement is added on other, and jazzrock is an expression that pops up here and there too. They also make use of some older style folk music elements, although this latter aspect may well be accidental as this is of course also an element that is a part of the classic music legacy and tradition. Those with an interest in what is sometimes called chamber rock and at other times will be classified under the Rock In Opposition or avant moniker should find this album to be quite the tasteful and elegant experience.

Olav "Progmessor" Björnsen, October 2023



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