Bassoon - 2023 - Succumbent [mini-review]

(33:38; Nefarious Industries)

US band Bassoon are out with the album "Succumbent", and progressive metal is probably the best manner in which to define the landscapes explored on this production. This all instrumental affair tends to alternate between more of a hard progressive rock expression with a booming dominant bass as the central element and a more distinct progressive metal orientation with the guitar riffs being more prominent, and the band also appear to be fond of adding a little bit of avant spice to their compositions. Off kilter rhythm details, unusual instrument details and atonal tendencies are all a part of the greater picture here. In addition we get noise constellations with similar properties to what one might find in free form jazz, quite a few more loose and open passages that come with a bit more of an improvised feel to them as well as several elegant, flowing and melodic side steps into more of a distinct jazzrock style along the way. An album to seek out by those fond of expressive and challenging instrumental progressive metal that incorporate a fair few jazz elements in the landscapes explored.

Olav "Progmessor" Björnsen, November 2023



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