Burner Herzog - 2023 - Random Person [mini-review]

(37:32; Take A Turn Records)

US artist Burner Herzog is out with the album "Random Person", and this is a production that might also be of interest to fans of progressive rock. In terms of overall style and orientation this one is a bit difficult to place, but psychedelic rock strikes me as the most appropriate choice here. The music is distinctly retro-oriented throughout, and more often than not comes with a bit of a 60's vibe to it. On a couple of occasions reminding me a little bit of The Beatles, in other cases perhaps a bit closer to The Doors, and several of the songs makes me think of elements of The Doors mixed with other sources. Quite a few of the songs feature Americana elements too, with side steps towards the more down to Earth rock of Tom Petty, a little bit of soul appears too, and with garage rock an important ingredient especially in the final third or so of this production. Just about every song comes with a bit of a quirky and off kilter touch of the kind often found in the more expressive aspects of progressive rock, with one specific song giving me associations to a band like Major Parkinson, and a striking pop music sensibility is also a defining trait of this album. I guess a summary here would be something like a quirky but accessible variety of 60's psychedelic pop with a little bit of an avant undercurrent, and if that sounds like an interesting landscape to explore chances are good that you'll find this album to be a rather rewarding experience.

Olav "Progmessor" Björnsen, November 2023



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