Ars Nova - 2018 - Sombra y Luz [mini-review]

(63:00; RockCD Records)

Spanish band Ars Nova released the album "Sombra y Luz" back in 2018, and progressive metal is possibly the best manner in which to define the style explored on this production. It is a distinctly accessible variety of the form we get here, where the guitar impact is toned down while melodies and harmonies have more of a dominant position, with the raspier lead vocals adding a bit of grit and contrast alongside an occasionally gnarlier guitar sound. The songs will typically ebb and flow between different levels of pace and intensity, with more complex elements in terms of riff constructions, arrangements as well as the overall structure of the songs all adding a progressive dimension to the landscapes explored. That being said, a mainstay element throughout are more energetic passages that have more of a purebred power metal expression, and one might describe this as a bit of a half and half experience in that specific context. An album to seek out if you enjoy a more accessible and melodic variety of progressive metal and power metal, and especially if you enjoy bands that mix and blend elements from those two traditions in just about an equal measure.

Olav "Progmessor" Björnsen, December 2023



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