Johnrose - 2023 - The Prophet’s Dance [mini-review]

(52:14; Dr. Music Records)

German artist Johnrose is out with the album "The Prophet’s Dance", and this is a production that might also be of interest for a more progressive rock interested audience. The album itself is probably best described as a melodic rock production, with easygoing and gentle rock landscapes with an atmospheric laden seasoning as the dominant kind of landscape explored, with occasional side steps into a tighter and more energetic variety of classic rock here and there. There is a little bit of a progressive rock touch applied here and there throughout though, with occasional switch overs in pace, style and intensity being one such aspect and the use of more elaborate arrangements emphasizing the atmospheric nature of the landscapes explored being the other. Elements that adds a touch of a more accessible variety of progressive rock to the proceedings but without ever being what one might describe as a dominating feature. That the song that concludes this album has a bit of more of a 60's Merseyside sound to it probably merits a mention too, although in this case as very much an exception for the album experience as a whole. A production to seek out by those who tend to enjoy elegant and atmospheric laden melodic rock that comes with a little bit of a progressive rock touch applied.

Olav "Progmesssor" Björnsen, December 2023



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