Sykofant - 2024 - Sykofant

(55:48; Sykofant)

Track list:
1. Pavement of Color 4:30
2. Between Air and Water 12:35
3. Monuments of Old 8:41
4. Between the Moments 5:13
5. Strangers 10:31
6. Forgotten Paths 14:18

Emil Moen - vocals, guitars
Melvin Treider - drums
Per Semb - guitars
Sindre Haugen - bass

Norwegian band Sykofant is a fairly new addition to the Norwegian progressive rock scene, and I from what I can and can't find on the good, old internet it would appear that 2023 was the first year this band was visible there for others. They self-released their debut album "Sykofant" in the spring of 2024.

While this is a band that has been described in many different manners by themselves as well as others, for me this album is one that strikes me as being safely tucked inside the sound and tradition of the 1970s, and with just as much inspiration taken from outside of the progressive rock universe as they have incorporated from the inside of it. With classic era hard rock being just about as vital as hard progressive rock and psychedelic progressive rock.

As a matter of fact, many of the songs does feature sections of what I'd describe as a relatively straight forward variety of classic era hard rock, and at least on one occasion without all that many nods in the direction of the progressive rock tradition either when it comes to that.

But what defines this album are the recurring inclusions of funky details, especially in the tighter and firmer passage of the compositions, and equally important are the more careful and dreamladen sections that revolve around more of a psychedelic rock orientation. That both of these aspects are mixed and blended with a more hard rock oriented expression probably goes without saying. And that the band is a tad more expressive in spirit and orientation than what one may surmise from the above descriptions is nicely documented by the more rare flirts with both reggae and classic era doom metal that is a part of this album as well.

This debut album by Sykofant is one that possibly can be described as classic era hard rock with a progressive rock twist, but that probably is better described as classic era progressive rock with a liberal influx of classic era hard rock elements. Some will say the former is a better description, others will feel that the latter is more appropriate. Where I'm among the latter in this case. If 70s hard progressive rock with funky attitudes, a bit of dreamladen psychedelia and classic era hard rock seasoning strikes you as an interesting mix of style elements, then this is a retro-oriented album you might want to become more familiar with.

Olav "Progmessor" Björnsen, June 2024



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