Meat Cafe - 2024 - 12 Moons of Averak

(20:11; Meat Cafe)

This five-track EP is just over 20 minutes in length and is mostly the work of Ronnie Marquiss who may be known to many due Friday Night Progressive, and he is joined by drummer Billy Ray along with three guests on the title track, Troll Hart (vocals), Suzi James (guitar, who seems to be adding her talents to lots of artists at present) and Time Wenzel (piano). To be honest I would much rather there were no vocals, as Troll’s style is not something I appreciate and to me they detract from the song.

The same is true for “Alfred Finished Off My Beer” which is meant to be humorous with spoken vocals, but the repeated keyboards, drum shuffle and words just don’t work for me at all. All the reviews I have seen for this EP are hugely positive, yet I just do not feel the same way, as this keyboard/drum set is not something to which I will be returning as I just don’t get it. Obviously I am missing something significant as many others say how much they have enjoyed everything about it, but for me this is music which does not add to the progressive canon as it is way too basic.

Kev Rowland, September 2024



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